Don't Step

Don't Step

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Masinag, Marikina Marcos Highway

> Land uses present in Masinag, Marikina Marcos Highway.
- Commercial
- Institutional
- Residential

> Cause of Problem

Marikina is primarily a valley nestled between mountain ranges and rolling hills, its topography is generally characterized to be level, with only a mildly sloping portion. Type A slopes cover about 1,569 hectares or 71% of the total land area of Marikina, which is highly suitable for and tolerant to mechanized farming and urban development in the western and central sections of the city. The rest of the slopes are fairly tolerant to development although prone to erosion and land slippage.

> Solution

The city government of Marikina is up for the solutions to the problem regarding flood.  
They start city-wide declogging operations removing silt, waste and debris deposited in its 
drainages. This   procedure will therefore loosen the flow of waste water coming from the 
households and factories,  as well as rain water during a heavy downpour. This will significantly prevent the reccurrence of flooding. 

And also some of the establishment in the area along Marcos Highway has elevated to a 4 feet higher above the ground. 

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